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Inspiration – Weston Prayer – Find Your Middle Ground


As we begin to draw our awareness inwards during the season of Winter here in the North, I find myself drawn to journaling and self reflection. Staying open to whatever arises is an important step in our spiritual journey. This offering from Danna Faulds sums it up so beautifully.

Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com

The Weston Prayer is from “Limitless, New Poems and Other Writings.”

“I pray to stay open today. Open to the unrestrained energy of now. Open to mystery and power. Open to whatever comes. Open to routine and surprises. Open to moving past my first reactions. Open to my imperfections and the divine spark that underlies them. Open to wonder and the everyday grace of life unfolding as it does. Open to events and circumstances that I like, and those I don’t. Open to fatigue and overflowing energy. Open to listen and to speak. Open to love in all the ways it manifests. Open to give and to receive. Open to seasons changing, priorities rearranging, nothing staying the same for very long. Open to letting beliefs dissolve into the ether. Open to the direct experience of truth. Open to forgetting and remembering. Open to life and open to death. Open to seeing old patterns and letting them go. Open to fear and courage, ease and difficulty. I pray to stay open.”

Take a moment and see what sentence resonates with you. Then sit with it, or perhaps begin to journal about its meaning for you.


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