“This is what I have to say to you. Go further than
your mind can reach, further than your words can
speak. Go further than you know, outside of your
control. Break your conditioning by letting go and
letting go and letting go. Like a twig plucked from a
tree, carried a great distance, and woven into a
crow’s nest, you have no idea of your real destiny.Keep going until there is nothing left, and you are
empty and bereft. Hold that open space. Inhabit the
place of not knowing until grace tugs on your
awareness and says ‘Follow me into the center of
chaos and serenity. Follow me to what you’ve always
been and always will be.’The truth of you is far beyond what you imagine,
simultaneously deathless and here to be lived, then
surrendered back into the infinite.”~ Danna Faulds taken from “Limitless. New Poems and Other Writings”
I can’t add anything to the beauty of Danna’s words and imagery. Stay with them and feel the love.